mandag den 28. april 2014

1869: The Aborigines Protection Act (Vic) establishes an Aborigines Protection Board in Victoria.

1897: The Director of Native Welfare is the legal guardian of all 'aboriginal' children whether their parents are living or not, until 1965.

This picture is from a conference held by The aborigines act (WA)
1905: The Aborigines Act (WA) is passed. Under the act, the Chief Protector is made the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child under 16 years old. In the following years, there were made territories and similar laws in other states.

1915: The Aborigines Amending Protection Act gives power to the Aboriginal Protection Board to separate Indigenous children from their families without the need to establish neglect in court.

1969: All states have repealed the legislation allowing for the removal of Aboriginal children under the policy of 'protection'. The Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agencies are set up to contest removal applications and provide alternatives to the removal of Indigenous children from their families.

1983: The Aboriginal Child Placement Principle is introduced in the Northern Territory, too secure that Indigenous children from being taken away from their families

1994: The 'Going Home Conference' in Darwin brings together over 600 Aboriginal people removed as children to discuss Improvement for the aborigines

The arboriginal flag 

2005: The national day Sorry Day, becomes a "National Day Of Healing For All Australians

The video i from the aborigines conference, where the theme is Women and Water